Computer Vision Syndrome

What is it?

Don’t worry! Your eyes are not being taken over by artificially intelligent robots. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) can also be called “Digital Eye Strain”. Digital eye strain is a group of vision related problems that are associated with prolonged computer, tablet, phone and other electronics use. The average American spends over 8 hours a day utilizing electronic devices causing increased demand on the visual system.

What are the symptoms?

Digital Eye Strain can cause the following..

  • Asthenopia or “Eyestrain”

  • Headache

  • Blur

  • Dry dye disease

  • Neck and lumbar pain

These symptoms may be exacerbated by:

  • Inferior lighting.

  • Digital glare

  • Incorrect viewing distances

  • Poor posture.

  • Uncorrected refractive error

  • Poorly fitting eyeglasses

  • Improper progressive lens alignment

  • Direct exposure to A/C, heating and fans in the workplace


How is Digital Eye Strain diagnosed? With a thorough comprehensive eye exam to evaluate your visual demands. A discussion with your optometrist will address the length of time you use digital devices, your seating position, and external factors like lighting and HVAC. Also, an optometrist will evaluate the ocular surface (or cornea) for signs of dry eye disease which can have a significant effect on an accurate eyeglass prescription.


Your optometrist will discuss with you different strategies to alleviate your symptoms of Digital Eye Strain. Simple adjustments can be made to your daily routine to dramatically decrease your symptoms. These include:

  • An up to date eyeglass prescription.

  • The use of artificial tears and lubricants to increase comfort.

  • Using proper posture while viewing your devices - Did you know? A computer screen that is above eye level increases surface area exposure to the front of the eye. Simply lowering your computer screen monitor can make a big impact!

  • Reinforcing proper blinking intervals. The average person blinks 25 times per minute when not focusing on a screen. When viewing screens blink rate drops as low as 7 blinks per minute.

  • Taking a break! Use the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes look at a distance object for 20 seconds.

We are here to help!

Let your optometrist know if you suffer from Digital Eye Strain. Our goal is to help alleviate your symptoms so you can feel more comfortable in a world of increasing visual demands. Schedule an appointment today at either of our locations: Swan Pond Optical - Manlius or Point of View Optical - SU.